
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning Quiz Questions - History 2
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning

The first ruler of Great Britain was ?


Henry VIII
James I
Charles II
Charles I

George I-IV and Victoria ruled as ?


House of Windsor (1910-present)
House of Sax-Coburg (1901-1910)
House of Hanover (1714-1901)
House of Stuart (1603-1649)

The Eldest son of George V was ?


Edward VIII
Edward V
William IV
George VI

Henry II-III,Edward I-III,Richard I-II ruled as ?


House of Tudor (1485-1603)
House of Plantagenet (1154-1400)
House of Normandy (1066-1135)
House of Lancaster (1400-1471)

William I-II and Henry I ruled as ?


House of Blois (1135-1154)
House of Lancaster (1400-1471)
House of Normandy (1066-1135)
House of Plantagenet (1154-1400)

The last Saxon king of England was ?


Edmund II
Ethelred II
Harold II

In AD1 the population of the Earth was ?


20 million
100 million
200 million
2 million

Henry VII-VIII,Mary & Elizabeth I ruled as ?


House of Lancaster (1400-1471)
House of York (1461-1485)
House of Stuart (1603-1649)
House of Tudor (1485-1603)

Edward IV-V & Richard III ruled as ?


House of York (1461-1485)
House of Hanover (1714-1901)
House of Blois (1135-1154)
House of Tudor (1485-1603)

Planet Earth is considered to be how old?


2.5 billion years
4.5 billion years
50 billion years
500 million years

Discerningly Versed www.dniv.com 2012